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When Can I Wash My Face After HydraFacial® Treatment?

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HydraFacials combine deep cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, and hydrating elements to improve the overall health and appearance of your skin. Although it is tempting to wash your face almost immediately after treatment, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Phillip Dauwe recommends waiting at least six hours, so our custom blend of skin care products has time to start working its magic.

Following post-procedure instructions is key to achieving the best results possible from your HydraFacial in Dallas. Keep reading to learn more about this incredible skin rejuvenation treatment, and call Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery to schedule an appointment today.

What is involved in a HydraFacial?

A HydraFacial is much more than a traditional facial. Our treatment involves several steps that can be personalized according to your goals:

  • Cleansing and exfoliation: A cleansing solution and an exfoliating device are used to remove dirt and makeup from your skin.
  • Extraction: HydraFacial technology uses suction to clear away any remaining debris known for causing breakouts.
  • Hydration: Special nourishing serums hydrate your skin and make your complexion feel silky smooth.
  • Finishing touches: We use sun protection to complete your HydraFacial treatment and protect your skin from damage.

Why choose a HydraFacial?

HydraFacials provide noticeable improvements to your skin in as little as one session. Regular appointments at Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery can reduce fine lines and other common signs of aging while also enhancing your overall skin tone and texture. A HydraFacial in Dallas is noninvasive, gentle, and safe enough for almost all skin types. Plus, there is no downtime required – you can return to normal activities like work after your appointment.

Washing your face after a HydraFacial

We recommend waiting at least six hours after HydraFacial treatment before washing or cleansing your face. This gives our specialized products time to work and sink into your skin. Washing your face too soon may prevent the full benefits from taking effect.

Once you can wash your face, use a gentle cleanser and avoid harsh scrubbing. Pat dry with a soft towel and apply your usual skin care products. Remember to schedule follow-up HydraFacial sessions to maintain your refreshed results long-term.

Additional tips for getting the most out of your HydraFacial

Dr. Dauwe understands that your skin is unique and personalizes each HydraFacial to meet your individual needs. You can also take steps at home to ensure the best possible results from skin rejuvenation treatment:

  • Use gentle, nonirritating cleansers and products: Harsh cleansers strip away the natural oils and protective barrier of your skin.
  • Wear sunscreen every day: Sun exposure can cause premature aging, so applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen is essential for protecting your skin.
  • Avoid exfoliating products: Exfoliators are not necessary after a HydraFacial and may cause irritation.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps keep your skin healthy and hydrated.

Ask about skin rejuvenation with a HydraFacial

Now is a great time to experience the power of a HydraFacial in Dallas. If you are ready to start your journey to healthy, glowing skin, contact Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery to schedule a skin care appointment today. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Phillip Dauwe and his team are proud to offer HydraFacials, and they look forward to helping you achieve your desired results without downtime or discomfort.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.