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How Much Smaller Can Breasts Get with Breast Reduction?

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Breast reduction surgery allows women to reduce the size of large breasts when problems like back pain and skin irritation become too difficult to manage. The amount of breast tissue removed depends on several factors, including breast size and patient preference. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Phillip Dauwe can make a more accurate estimate of expected results during a consultation.

Want to work with one of the best plastic surgeons in Dallas, TX for breast reduction? Call Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery to learn about our services. Our team is committed to helping women of all backgrounds achieve better health and improved body image through cutting-edge procedures.

When large breasts become a problem

Large or heavy breasts present various challenges for women. Understanding these issues is crucial for anyone considering breast reduction surgery as a potential solution:

  • Discomfort and pain: Excess weight can strain the neck, shoulders, and back, leading to chronic pain and poor posture. Even simple exercises like running become challenging.
  • Skin irritation: Loose skin folds tend to rub against each other or clothing. Women may have rashes around the breasts in the underarm area.
  • Difficulty wearing form-fitting clothing: Enlarged breasts make it hard to find bras that provide proper support. Bathing suits and form-fitting tops may not fit well.

What is the goal of breast reduction?

Excess tissue and skin are removed during a breast reduction. The remaining tissue is then reshaped into a smaller and more aesthetically pleasing size. Surgery can be performed in several ways depending on the goals of the patient. As one of the best plastic surgeons in Dallas, TX, Dr. Dauwe will take the time to discuss which techniques can best meet your needs.

How much smaller can breasts get with breast reduction?

Several factors influence how much smaller breasts can get after surgery. Women with large breasts may see a reduction of one or several cup sizes. Ultimately, breast reduction procedures are designed to improve your comfort and well-being, and Dr. Dauwe can ensure your individual goals are met.

What surgical techniques do you use?

Surgical breast reduction is performed when a patient is under general anesthesia. The process takes several hours and involves small incisions placed in the natural folds of the body. Dr. Dauwe may use an inverted-T or a straight-line incision before removing excess tissue and skin folds.

Liposuction can be used for larger reductions since it removes fat deposits without significantly impacting the shape of the breast. The nipple and areola are then repositioned to create an aesthetically pleasing appearance. Breast reduction can be combined with other treatments as recommended for optimal results.

Your expected results from breast reduction surgery

Breast reduction results can be seen almost immediately after surgery, though some swelling is expected for several weeks during recovery. Dr. Dauwe can provide information and guidelines about recovery to help speed up the process. In the end, our patients are excited to report smaller and firmer breasts with improved body contours.

Feel comfortable and confident

Though it is not possible to provide an exact measurement of your breast size after surgery, Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery aims to achieve results that align with your personal goals. Call now to meet with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Phillip Dauwe for a breast consultation. Work with one of the best plastic surgeons in Dallas, TX to reduce your breasts and improve your comfort.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.